Adam West Is The Only Real Batman

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Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Batman Loves Cat Woman So Much He Marries Her

Batman Loves Cat Woman So Much He Marries, pub-1513610992788564, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Cat Woman, loved Batman, and he loved her. I bought, The double Batmobile, and one is gold, with leopard paint on it. Bruce once more, asked, if Cat Woman, would agree, to be released, in his care. By this time, He's going to, ask her, please accept, the terms; so she agrees to them. Alfred, is unsure about this. Dick is gone, an is out of college. Next, they have, a special evening planned; for Cat Woman. He ask her; why she loves; Batman so much. She answers back: " But your no Batman!" He chuckles, and agrees. After her, saying to Bruce, "I've had, the most wonderful time; does it have to end"? he responds back, " Not, if you don't want it to end." Then Bruce asks her, "How much, do you love, your Batman"? " I'm sorry Bruce, but my heart's; with Batman ". I understand. "But Bruce, I never hurt you." You have been; the kindest person; next to Batman". Would you, really, do anything for me; if you don't; ever, have to go back to jail"? "Yes Bruce." Then marry me." Batman will understand." "Sorry Bruce, my loyalty's, with Batman." I understand Cat Woman ". "I had a wonderful date Bruce. " " Cat woman, can I show; you something, in my manor"? " Well, since you've, been so romantic, with me, as your date; I guess it's ok. He's see, the tears, in here eyes; as she, next says:" If only you were Batman, I would, marry you right now." "Would, you ever, tried to hurt Batman; or even, reveal his identity?" Would you, give up, your life, of crime, if, I told, "Batman, about, your true feelings; since Robin's, not here, anymore.?' Yes Bruce."

The Batman, and Cat Woman, loved story, has continued, after, contacting Julie Newmar (Cat Woman). I have, composed, a Batman, and Cat Woman, loved story. The idea, is go back, to when, Bruce Wayne, had Cat Woman, released, into his custody. This time, Robin, isn't with Batman. Dick is out of college; doing his thing.

Bruce Wayne, has fallen, in love, with Cat Woman. So again, Bruce has released; Cat Woman, in his custody; to him. Alfred, feels, it's not, a great idea. Still, Bruce feels, if he, tries one more time; by giving, Cat Woman, a romantic date; that, he can trust her. On this date; he asked ;"why you love Batman so much"? Cat Woman responds. in a tender way; with Bruce." He's kind, and gentle." Cat Woman's, even, wearing beautiful gown. Cat Woman says; "both of you, and Batman, have been, kind to me." "I will, never hurt you." Bruce says: "Marry me." You say: "My heart, will always be, with Batman:" Bruce says: "Ok. But, will you harm Batman? " Cat Woman says; No, "I love him."" I'm tired, of being alone." "If only Batman; would finely say; :"Will you marry me?" I'd say yes; and give up; a life of crime". Bruce, wipes her tears. Alfred is away. Then, Bruce, does the unthinkable; after asking, one final question. "If Batman, asked you to marry him; would you work with him; as a couple; willing, to fight crime; alongside him?" Cat Woman, said yes." Bruce, comes out, with a new, customized suit. He calls Batman. Batman comes, and gives you, a new outfit. Batman says, to Cat Woman: "Yet, you,re beautiful as ever; but, your new name; is Golden Leopard. You have, a customized car; like the Batmobile; but it's gold; with leopard stripes. Your head, is covered; with a, bullet proof cat mask, and custom, down to your feet. Yet, you can, move, very quickly, in this outfit." You cry, with deep tears; thinking, it's a dream. Cat Woman, secretly, married to Batman. But the twist is; Bruce, marries Cat Woman; for her safety. He then, takes her, to the elevator; where you suit up. You take turns, in both cars; for fighting crime. As for your ages; it's 1972; so you both; have a full life; to fight crime; and fall in love; with each other. When you get home; from crime fighting; Cat Woman, cries, in Batman's arms. Cat Woman, pulls up his cowl; and he takes; his romantic arms; around Cat Woman; and Batman, tenderly, kisses Cat Woman. Bruce says, to Cat Woman, "I've been in love; with you, for years. You were, the girl, of my dreams. I just, needed to wait; until Robin, was on his own; to tell you." Cat Woman, says to Bruce; " What should I do; with my Cat Woman clothing?" Bruce says; "Tease me, as never before." But, don't ever wear; the Golden Leopard outfit; unless, you're beside me; in the Bat Cave." Cat Woman says :"Batman, I have you; to myself. "Yes darling; I finely, have you; to hug, hold, caress, and tenderly kiss you." You both, change out your clothes; and enjoy, your bubble bath, together. You both, change, in your intimate clothing; and fall in love; until morning, as married couple; on your honeymoon. Each day, you both, are happy, and cheerful. Alfred returns, and you, fall in love; with Alfred; as a father. He fixes, a wonderful lunch; while you both, are still, on your honeymoon. Cat Woman, you're wonderful person. My love story, of Batman, and Cat Woman, is Adam West, and Julie Newmar. Also, Alfred,(Alan Napier) is the butler; of Bruce Wayne. I hope, you like my story. I added more; by just contacting you. This was sent; to Julie Newmar; with Adam West, as Batman, in younger years, of life. I actually told her; it's a gift; from Adam West and I. Customx

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