Adam West Is The Only Real Batman

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Thursday, April 9, 2015

A Swingin' Summer

               A Swingin' Summer
      The story is about four cool
      teenagers getting jobs to have
      a Swingin' Summer,along with
      a young eighteen year old brain
      played by Raquel Welch as cute
      beautiful Jerry.
          Jodie Miller sings the theme
      Swingin' Summer for this movie. 
          Diane Bond in a purple bikini
          with poka dotwhich is water
      skiing,and also is throwing the ball.     
          Cindy makes up a story so that
      they can have this beautiful cool
      Lake Arrowhead,for their cool
      summer. She tells the man in
      charge,who her father is,who is
      very wealthy.
           Some celebrities play for them.
      Gary Lewis introduces  the cool
      Donnie Brooks who sings to them.
      Gary Lewis and the Playboys,and
      the Ripcords  singing this song,I'll
      know you'll will  like very much,it
      is;"Red Hot Roadster."
          You can see many pretty cute
      teenaged girls throwing a large
      ball for catching.Yes you see in
      here brainy Jerry in yellow with
      matching headbands.With many
      trying to pick up Jerry,as they do,
      want to date here.The guys focus, 
      at making money,to get the beach 
      place, and keep it open.Cindy wants
      them to have fun,but her boyfriend
      is being totally responsible.
         A fake Miss Arrowhead Contest
      is put on by Micky,to pick up girls.  
         There is man with long hair,that 
      four guys at the beach, think it's a
      girl from behind.When they touch
      this person,they get a shock,being
      a guy, who has his basket of fruit,to
      give away to everyone who meets
          Original posters put in the order
      of the movie sequence.It was the
      cool beautiful Raquel Welch in her
      first starring role.Whose character
      is  in loved with Micky, who is a cool
      brainy girl,who is trying to analyse 
      his physique.Jerry did say she loved
      him,and" if we are going to be lovers"
      talking about Micky.
          Durk blabs to Ricky that Cindy had
      her father put up the $1000.00 for the
      use of Lake Arrowhead Club.I fight
      breaks out Rick against Durk.Rick 
      wins.But Durk isn't finshed with him.
      Durk hires some thugs to beat up Rick.
      Instead,both Rick and Micky knock  
      their blocks off.The thugs get Durk,
      he gets hurt more,and he is forced to
      go with them,to use Cindy to open the
      door to the cash box.
          I chicken race with water skies,is
      dangerous,but Micky comes through
      it safely,but the other guy who started
      it,could have lost his life. 
          Jerry is in a red and white stripes
      with red over the top,like a jumper,
      which can removed the skirt.She is
      right next to Micky,and he is dancing
      in place by her.She is wearing her cool
      black cat style glasses,and is very tired
      of being a cool brainy chick.She goes 
      on stage,lets her cool glasses go,pull
      downs here brown brunette hair,pulls
      off her skirt and sings to Gary Lewis
      and the Playboys,played request,to the
      song :"I'm Ready To Grove",in which
      cool Jerry sings very pretty, to Micky.
      Micky closes his eyes  for a moment,
      because he can get over how beautiful
      she really is.Jerry sings her pretty cool
      measurements as 36- 23- 36.The crowd
      of teenagers are amazed at her pretty 
      wonderful transformation, to  energetic
      girl,with much electricity,that wows all
      of the crowd of responsible teenagers.  
         After this wonder performance this
      singing of Jerry.It is now time,for the 
      thugs to have Durk use Cindy.He has 
      her open the door to the cash box 
            Durk turned good,wants to be a
       help,get the cashbox back the thugs,
       stoled.Durk has Rick come in his boat,
       saying,I want to help.For a while, you 
       see both boats circling around the very
       other.They wind up on land,where both
       Rick and Durk,knock out the thugs,and
       get their cashbox back.Back at the cool
      concert,Gary Lewis introduces this cool
      group "The Righteous Brothers" who do
      sing:"Justine".Gary Lewis and also the
      Playboys,do sing to "Justine" including
      adding harmonica. playing in parts,of the
      song.This song is really cool with  those
      instruments with their voices added to it.




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